Prepare To Respond
Monday, December 9, 2024
Senior Residential and Assisted Care Living
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Emergency Plans
In addition, your neighborhood, congregation, council area, or city may have an Emergency Plan. Find out. Take an interest; ask to see it. You are not asking for the purpose of challenging anyone, but to show genuine interest.
Does the Plan address your needs as a senior or someone with Access & Functional Need? Is the Plan regularly practiced? If your needs are not included in the Plan, it is unlikely they will be practiced in a drill. And if not practiced, how likely is it that your needs will be addressed in an actual emergency?
If you are able, consider asking how you can help with the planning and the next practice. Getting involved is a way to lend a hand and to assure your needs are included.
Friday, December 6, 2024
Networking is Vital
Do you have rapport with some of the younger, stronger neighbors on your street? Neighbors you could approach about your vulnerabilities and concerns regarding a large-scale disaster or even a local emergency?
If you lack that rapport, now would be a perfect time to cultivate genuine neighborly friendships. Do you bake? Make soups? Repair things? Babysit? Do you have a veggie garden that allows you to share your harvest? Give it some thought. How could you make genuine outreaches?
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Information Resources
Our state has an extensive Emergency Preparedness library: “”. They have a website and a You Tube channel. Be certain to checkout their BUZZ series of very short (less than 90 seconds) and entertaining Tips.
The American Red Cross also has Preparation, Response and Recovery information.
Check out my BLOG for a variety of short, educational articles:
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Our pets are dear. For many of us, pets are family.
PET KIT: This is such an important topic. Make sure each pet has a tag with your identification. You must bring pets in carriers to any gathering/shelter environment – another use for wheelies as part of your kit.
Pets also must have leashes. Include pet medical records, (especially proof of immunization). Should you end up in an American Red Cross shelter please know they permit only legitimate service dogs inside shelters.
If you are a pet owner, I suggest you join w/other pet owners in your locale to create a Pet Emergency Response Plan. This would involve having a safe place for pets adjacent to your human gathering location/shelter. No one is going to set this up for you. This will only occur as a result of networking, pre-need.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Seasonal Supplies and Comfort & Entertainment
SEASONAL: Include a change of clothing in your essentials: Package seasonal clothing and other items separately so you can swap out one season for another easily as temperatures change.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Personal Hygiene
PERSONAL HYGIENE: It can boost your morale to feel as fresh as possible but think twice before using much water for that purpose, if you have only brought 1 gallon per day. (This is a good reason for bringing extra water). A large travel kit could work nicely for hygiene. Pre-moistened towelettes are so helpful in emergency conditions and don’t require “spending” your precious water supply.