Monday, November 4, 2019

Things That I Learned from Hurricane Sandy -- A Heads Up For All of Us!

by Frantz Ostmann on Saturday, November 17, 2012 at 7:13am 

  1. The excitement and coolness wear off around day 3.
  2. You are never really prepared to go weeks without power, heat, water etc. Never!
  3. Yes it can happen to you.
  4. Just because your generator runs like a top, does not mean its producing electricity.
  5. If you do not have water stored up you are in trouble.  A couple of cases of bottled water is “NOT” water storage.
  6. You should have as much fuel as water:   a. Propane,     b. Gas,      c. Kerosene,      d. Firewood,      e. Firestarter, (kindling, paper, etc.)
  7. Even the smallest little thing that you get from the store should be stocked up. (spark plug for the generator, BBQ lighter, etc.)

Added Observations Regarding Hurricane Sandy

by Amie Ostmann

  1. Store a lot of ‘mix-ins’ to help flavor your stored water.  
  2. Being without running water was more inconvenient than having no power.  
  3. Before-hand we stored milk jugs filled with water, ¾ full, and put in the freezer.  When we had no power, we put the jugs, a couple at a time, into the fridge to keep food cold.  When they melted, we used for drinking.  
  4. I wished I had more candles.
  5. 10-hour candles were awesome.  
  6. Candles give a broader light than a flashlight.  
  7. We had one lantern; it was better than the candles.  I wished for more.