Friday, August 23, 2019

Seniors, You Need to Prepare

It is common sense – in a major disaster everyone will be impacted.  Young and old alike will suffer from: no electricity, no working toilets, scarcity of safe drinking water, food, medications and other essential supplies.  Damaged buildings and roads will affect us one and all.

There is no age we reach when we can say “I don’t have to prepare any more, the younger ones will take care of me.”  Or, “I’m too old to do the work or spend money to be prepared.”  Or, “I prepared years ago and nothing happened.”

Emergency professionals have a saying: “you are either part of the solution because you are prepared, or, unprepared, you quickly become part of the problem.”

No one is exempt from taking personal responsibility to be prepared for emergencies.  We seniors just have to be sensible in how we approach preparing.

In truth we seniors have a greater need to prepare because our age and health may limit us from scrambling, moving about and cobbling together essential supplies the way younger people could do.

After a disaster, we will all need toileting facilities, safe drinking water, food, personal essential meds, comfort, & assurance, information, reunification with our dear ones and possibly, first aid.  If it is cold or wet, or blazing hot we need shelter from the elements because buildings may not be safe; we will need sleep.  These needs are universal.

There is information in other articles on this blog to help you prepare a 96 Hour Kit for on-foot evacuation, auto evacuation or sheltering in place.

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