Thursday, August 6, 2020

Mask Wearing. Are you Persuaded by Case Studies?

Walgreens has published two examples, sourced to the CDC, that make a persuasive case for wearing a mask in indoor, group environments.

Cloth face masks/coverings can help keep people infected with COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others. COVID-19 is mainly known to be transmitted between people through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. Studies show that these droplets can travel about six feet. However, when an infected person wears a mask that covers their nose and mouth, it can keep most of the droplets from spreading to people who are nearby.

Example 1: A choir practice w/all participants, incl infected person, UNMASKED, with no physical distancing.

Example 2: Hair salon. Two, who turned out to be infected, are MASKED.  If this salon was like the one I visited, physical distancing was laid out, adhered to, but imperfect.

* I present these examples in good faith, but with this caution:  We have seen the CDC reverse its data, opinions and guidelines more than once since the COVID-19 pandemic began.  Additionally, they have been exposed for publishing some misleading information.

Note:  Walgreen’s sell masks and have commercial motivation to promote mask wearing.

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