Thursday, March 21, 2019

How to Stop a Bleeding Wound, Even in the Middle of Nowhere

02/26/2019 / By Mary Miller

Imagine being in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps you were hiking in the woods, or you might be alone in your remote homestead, far away from civilization. Imagine that for some reason or another, you are injured and your wound won’t stop bleeding. What are you going to do now? Learn how to stop a bleeding wound when SHTF by following this simple first aid guide.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Seniors and Disasters

While disasters take a toll on everyone, no group is more impacted than aging adults - seniors - especially those of us who also have physical limitations and mobility issues.

Though our nation regularly experiences major disasters, it was the devastating hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Sandy that made it crystal clear – seniors suffer the most fatalities, severe injuries and are the most likely to be left behind.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Earthquake Preparedness from the Experts

Earthquake Preparedness.  The paragraphs below are from a series of tweets posted on 02/23/19 by the Utah Dept of Emergency Management @UtahEmergency

The damage a building receives during an earthquake depends on a number of factors below that are in ALL CAPS:

BUILDING CONSTRUCTION -- Wood-framed homes generally fare better than masonry, especially if masonry isn't reinforced. Most modern buildings, built after 1975, should be survivable, which means that they will stand up long enough for people to survive and evacuate.