Monday, December 28, 2020

Short-Term Food Storage Makes Sense

Had you even heard of Supply Chain Disruption before 2019?  Shortages of items we want/need for our household, along with steadily rising prices are a new reality. Because the USA imports so many of our consumer and medical products, it introduces a greater chance for supply interruption.  

Whether the food on your table is USA grown and packaged, or comes from outside our country, transporting it to your local stores is a link in the supply chain.  Home storage of an emergency supply of essential items is sensible for COVID times and other emergencies/disasters. 

This article is about simple, short-term pantry storage from which you could create meals, without relying upon grocery store supplies or the benefit of refrigerated foods -- for several weeks 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Strategies for Long-term Food Storage

Long-Term Food Storage:  There are three approaches:  1) Store larger quantities of short-term canned/packaged items; 2) No. 10 cans or 5-gallon buckets of bulk ingredients; or 3) Freeze-dried or dehydrated foods; or a combination. 

For canned and packaged long-term storage, you will need some way to organize the food so that you can rotate it into your regular meal planning.  Use organizers designed for a FIFO system (first in, first out) to aid rotation.  Put in the newest can(a) at the top and take out the oldest at the bottom.  A browser search for “canned food organizers” will net you lots of choices.  Mine are cardboard and arrive flat, requiring some easy folding assembly.    

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Essential Preparation can Save Lives and Property

Neighborly Network:  How vulnerable were you in our recent power outage? Was it because of your age, disability, physical limitation, living alone, or because you were unprepared that you felt vulnerable?  

To those in the Intermountain West: Were you suddenly, starkly aware that you were ill-prepared for the sustained loss of power and unseasonably cold temps?  Did your home/yard sustain damage?  Were you dependent upon others near-by?  

Monday, September 28, 2020

Avoid the Pain & Inconvenience of Power Outages

While You and I can’t prevent sustained electrical outages, we can Prepare to limit our pain/Inconvenience the next time it happens. 

For the most part, the three days my household was w/o power were not extremely “painful” because of preparation. This emergency was my opportunity to test gear and know-how and see if I could stand up to this challenge with my physical limitations.  I’m including my Lessons Learned in the topics below.   

Sensible Preparation and Response

Refrigeration:  We kept fridge and freezers closed to conserve cold.  I waited too long to save many refrigerator items, ( says 4 hours) but acted quickly enough (48 hours) to save frozen meats/fish, etc., with bags of ice in well-insulated coolers.  This was a high stress item for me.  I’ll do better next time.  

I now keep 10 bags of ice in my freezer units, along with pre-frozen packs, that I can transfer to coolers early enough to save refrigerator items as well as frozen food.  

Friday, September 18, 2020

Hurricane Force Winds: Some Without Power for a Week

Has your usual experience with electrical outages been like mine – power is restored within minutes or a few hours at most.  Rarely power interruptions last into the next day.  

Who could have predicted an Arctic cold front hitting Utah, Idaho and Wyoming at the end of a very hot Summer?  Especially one that brought not only early winterish temps but sustained high winds, some of hurricane force surging to 112 miles per hour? 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

First OFFICIAL CDC Stratified US Statistical Profile of COVID-19 Mortality

Click on image to enlarge

Note: This is not new data. This profile has been reported by various researchers/commentators for months, but it has not been officially profiled until now. 

Presented by Steve Deace, on 8/12/20

  • Age 85 and older make up 3.2% of the U.S. population but make up one-third of all COVID deaths.
  • Age 75 and older make up 7% of U.S. population but 59% of COVID deaths. 
  • Age 54 and younger make up 70% of the U.S. population but 8% of COVID deaths.
  • Deaths DO NOT register until age 15-24 and even then, kids K-12 make up .02% of the population. Kids K-college undergraduate, according to data released by the CDC, are in no significant danger of dying of COVID-19. 
  • The median age of COVID-19 deaths is around 78, which is the average U.S. life expectancy.  

"The CDC coded all deaths "Died with COVID" rather than "Died from COVID," Deace explained.  We do not know how many people were healthy, contracted COVID and died from COVID-19. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Mask Wearing. Are you Persuaded by Case Studies?

Walgreens has published two examples, sourced to the CDC, that make a persuasive case for wearing a mask in indoor, group environments.

Cloth face masks/coverings can help keep people infected with COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others. COVID-19 is mainly known to be transmitted between people through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. Studies show that these droplets can travel about six feet. However, when an infected person wears a mask that covers their nose and mouth, it can keep most of the droplets from spreading to people who are nearby.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Wear a Mask: YES? NO?

The case for/against wearing masks is not conclusive.  This article is based upon the views of Gov. Herbert, Dr. Angela Dunne and the recent report from BYU researcher, Dr. Benjamin Abbott and his team.

After analysis of 130 studies focused upon the efficacy (or lack thereof), of wearing a mask, the BYU team concluded and hopes to persuade the public that: We are safer wearing a mask when physical distancing is not possible.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Preparing for Wildfire Evacuation: Making a Plan

When you are planning for wildfire evacuation, do so with a clear head. You must consider that in such a disaster, flames could reach your home before firefighters could extinguish them.*

This sobering possibility should inform your planning decisions as to what you would want to gather and take with you in an evacuation.

A warning will usually include how long you are given to safely exit your home.  What will you take with you?  These decisions are the heart of your family plan.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Campfire Basics Will Help Prevent Utah Wildfires

If you think wildfires have become more aggressive and destructive, the professionals agree.
In Utah and all Western states, wildfires are burning bigger, hotter and more intensely because of higher temperatures, low humidity and winds.  A small fire can quickly morph into a huge, threatening Red Flag event.

Summer 2020 has an added threat:  The relaxing of Stay Home directives means Utahns and out-of-staters, eager for recreation, will head to canyons and campsites.  Many of those visitors are inexperienced in outdoor safety – particularly lacking in campfire savvy -- a recipe for heightened wildfire risk.

So, here are the Basics for the novice, and a reminder for the experienced.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

What is the Utah National Guard Doing at our Long-Term Care Facilities?

  • Governor Herbert and General Burton of the National Guard announced after nearly a week of reduced risk (from Red to Orange) that “Utah is performing well. What we are doing is working, stay strong.”  Here are some highlights starting with National Guard (NG) news.
  • 120 NG are being deployed to expand our state’s capacity to: test at long-term facilities and other COVID-19 hot spots; provide needed support to labs; and, do case tracking.  

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Important: What we need to know about homemade masks & gloves

It is indisputable:  Asymptomatic transmission is COVID-19’s secret power against us.  We must be vigilant in taking effective actions to protect ourselves.

Non-clinical grade masks – whether acquired in a doctor’s office or home-made from cloth-- are a tricky business.  So, before we place undue confidence in their ability to protect us from COVID 19 transmission -- let’s get some advice from the public health experts. 

The johns Hopkins School of Public Health offers a pyramid turned upside down as a teaching aid:
  • Its broad base, with the most effective action – Social Distancing -- is on top, followed by; 
  • thorough/frequent Hand Washing and abstaining from touching our face; followed by:
  • the disinfecting of High-touch Surfaces and objects.  At the tip (bottom), the least effective--
  • non-clinical Masks and Gloves.   

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Resuming Life:  

  • US plan released April 17, calls for three phases of reduced social and economic restrictions, each with 2-weeks in between to review COVID-19 transmission rates. Guidelines will allow easing of restrictions in low transmission areas, while keeping current, stricter guidelines for harder-hit areas. Ultimately, decisions will rest with governors/county leaders for reopening schools, businesses and other matters. 
  • It is now clear our path to normalcy will be a longer process than first envisioned. Health officials warn some social distancing measures may need to remain through the end of the year.  

Friday, April 17, 2020

Organizations Continue to Work ‘Round the Clock’ to Help

These are notes I took from the April virtual meeting of Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD), reporting on the projects on-going in Utah.

Organizations of faith, working hand in hand, side by side, joined by the American Red Cross, a senior VOAD partner, bring volunteers and treasure to the aid of Utahns fighting the CONVID-19 crisis and earthquake recovery for in need.

VOADs do not self-deploy.  They react to the requests that come from Governmental organizations.

Just a few highlights of VOAD responses:

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

COVID-19: Update April 10th, 2020

From VIDEO by Suzanne Vernon, Ph.D., Virologist, Research Director, Bateman Horne Center   

COVID-19 Screening:  

  • Apps have been developed for self-screening. Search for Free Covid-19 Tracker, Screening Tool or Symptom Tracker.   (1)


  • Several trials are underway to test the efficacy of Hydroxy-Chloroquine, a medication long used for treating Malaria, Lupus and other auto-immune illnesses.  Efficacy results should be available within a few weeks.  (2)

Monday, April 6, 2020

Some COVID-19 Protection Tips that May be New to You

Because this reached me with no source noted, I submitted it to two scientists – one a virologist -- for their opinions.  Neither praised it, nor did they find anything wrong with the data.  See if you find something new that is helpful to you – as I did.  -LDM

*The Covid-19 virus is not a living organism, but a protein molecule (DNA) covered by a protective layer of lipid (fat), which, when absorbed by the cells of the ocular, nasal or buccal mucosa, changes their genetic code, (mutation) and convert them into aggressor and multiplier cells.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Shopping On-Line at Smith's Food and Drug

This is lengthy, only because it is detailed, step-by-step instructions, meant especially for those who have never shopped for groceries on-line.  I hope the detail helps you.

Log onto:

On the top right-hand side of the web page it will say Pickup at (some out of state location).  Pull down that menu and it will have you enter your zip code.  Right under this it will say Change Store.  Click on this and select the store location you will be shopping.  Or if you prefer go one more step down and select Delivery. Either way: proceed as shown below.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Faith-based Volunteers Stepping Forward and Working Tirelessly for Us

You may not have even heard of Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster – VOAD. Read what they are doing for us right now.  

March 26th, 2020. This is an update on the work of the 5-county VOAD Region 2 members servings since the earthquake (March 18) and the request last Tuesday (March 17) for VOAD partner help from Salt Lake County (SLCO) isolation/quarantine shelters.

*LDS Charities:  Donated pallet (#560 basic hygiene kits) to Salt Lake County for 5 Isolation/Quarantine Shelters (COVID-19)

*Salvation Army and Southern Baptists have been helping with meals since the earthquake (might be helping with Isolation/Quarantine Shelters also). The Salvation Army is opening rental and mortgage relief tomorrow (Wednesday) for the State to be managed out of the SLC office.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Of Course, We Will Get Through This

  • Please share in my confidence that our government and health department professionals are approaching the CV-19 with expertise and compassion.  As resources build, they will do even Better.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Quarantine at home? Self-monitoring? Sheltering at home?

“From Natural  Both self-quarantining and self-monitoring have one goal: To keep individuals “who have been exposed, or who might have been exposed, away from others as much as possible” for a certain length of time.”

In the case of coronavirus, this often means 14 days (or the suspected incubation period of the disease.) Patients may not experience symptoms in the first several days after exposure; It can take up to 5 days for symptoms to appear.

When self-monitoring, you need to regularly check your temperature and take note of any signs of respiratory illness, like cough, fever or shortness of breath. You also need to limit your interaction with other people.”

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Keeping you Informed about Food Supply

Organized and provided by Glenn Beck at Blaze TV, March 16, 2020

  • Food producers and supply chain managers say there is generally enough nonperishable food on shelves, in warehouses and on the production line to last several months. But labor shortages due to a shut-down, illness or travel restrictions could create localized supply disruptions.
  • The challenge could soon be getting that food to the right places once local distribution centers are wiped out.
  • In addition, millions of Americans, who previously got food at restaurants or in school or at work cafeterias, will have to serve themselves at home, with food bought from grocery big-box enterprises.
  • "The replenishment cycle is going to be the real test here," said Sean Maharaj, a supply chain expert and managing director at AArete, a consulting firm in Chicago. "Manufacturers don't sit on a lot of extra inventory, so what do you do when everything you have is depleted?"
  • Beyond that, industry officials acknowledge some uncertainty about how exactly they will be able to replenish their stocks if factories and ports worldwide are short-staffed.
  • Over the past decade, retailers have moved aggressively to become more efficient by slimming down on inventory instead of stockpiling in warehouses.
  • "Turns out Just In Time delivery systems have a downside," said Maharaj.

Federal Government to Oversee Food Distribution and Security

Breaking News from Mike Adams at

March 16, 2020

The US government is just days away from rolling out coordination and security oversight of the national food distribution networks, according to a high-level source who spoke with Natural News.

The food supplies will keep flowing, and the federal government will be coordinating and offering security to make sure the private grocery chains maintain food supplies.

We are told this is in the final stages of being completed, with some measure of rollout to begin as early as just a few days from now in at least one region of the country.

Daily Stats as of March 16, 5:30 AM CT (from John's Hopkins), as organized and provided by Glenn Beck, BlazeTV

  • Total Confirmed Cases Worldwide: 171,105 (up from 136,388 Friday) 
  • Total Confirmed Deaths Worldwide: 6,531 (up from 4,995 Friday)
  • Total Confirmed Recovered Worldwide: 77,783 (up from 70,437 Friday)
  • 158 Countries have confirmed cases (up from 129 Friday) 4 more have suspected cases
  • 7% of Active Cases are considered serious (requiring hospitalization), down from 9% Friday and down from 19% just 3 weeks ago
  • US has 3,802 Confirmed Cases and 69 Deaths, up from 1,762 cases and 41 deaths Friday
  • In the US, only West Virginia does not have at least 1 Active Case


As you may know, I am a long-time senior volunteer emergency preparedness and disaster response specialist.

In the face of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic or any public safety emergency, a practical action for aging adults is AVOIDANCE.  And, the most effective avoidance strategy is to shelter-at-home/self-quarantine.

You and I, as aging adults, are proving to be the most likely populations to develop severe COVID-19 infections that require medical intervention. The older we are, from age 60 forward, the greater our vulnerability.  Access your vulnerability based not only upon your age, but your underlaying level of health.

The Newest Guide for All Things Earthquake

The FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Bulletin of March 9th provides the best EQ document I have seen.  It is long; it is informative.

The guide is called:  Earthquake Safety at Home, available at Even the images are helpful. 

The page:  How to Use this Guide near the beginning is helpful.  “Readers using the electronic version of this document can hover over and click online resource references to be taken to the source website.  A list of resources is provided at the end of this document.  You are encouraged to read the document in the order presented; or you can skip to a topic of particular interest.”

If you live in Alaska, California, or Utah, you already know you live in EQ County. But, did you know that half of all Americans also live in areas subject to earthquake risk?  Also, we are a mobile nation, so at some point, visitors will find their way to EQ county and need to be informed.

There are Six Main Sections:  
  1. Earthquakes Across America:  Understanding EQ Basics and Your Risk. 
  2. Prepare:  Securing Your Space, Making a Plan, and Organizing Your Disaster Supplies.
  3. Protect:  Identifying and Addressing Your Vulnerabilities.
  4. Survive:  Knowing What to Do During & Immediately After the Earth Shakes.
  5. Respond:  Getting Back in Your Home – The First Few Days.
  6. Recover and Repair:  Restarting Utilities and Repairing Damage. 

Disasters Don’t Take Their Turn.

They Can Come One Upon Another, Reports Tennessee

On March 2nd, overnight into March 3rd, while the US health and first responders were gearing at a community level to battle the COVID-19 Crisis - now a Pandemic - a violent tornado struck Nashville, TN and a 4-county area.  A You Tube has been posted showing the vast devastation of some areas.

The tornado came on the heels of a severe storm that dropped golf ball-sized hail.

The death toll is reported as 25 at this time along with about 100 injuries.  Volunteers helped day and night to search and rescue any survivors who were trapped.  The American Red Cross set up shelters for those whose homes were damaged or destroyed.  Faith-based volunteers gathered locally, then arrived from other states to meet the needs of the people suffering this horrific disaster.

Daily COVID-19 Stats as of 5:30 AM, March 13th CT (from John's Hopkins)

  • Total Confirmed Cases Worldwide: 138,156, (up from 127,388 on the 12th, over 9% increase). On Saturday, 3/14, @ 5:00 p.m. the numbers were over 145,000, an increase of ----.).
  • Total Confirmed Deaths Worldwide: 5,080 (up from 4,641 yesterday, over 9% increase), 
  • Total Confirmed Recoveries Worldwide: 70,437 (up from 68,327 yesterday)
  • 132 Countries have confirmed cases (up from 125 yesterday) 4 more have suspected cases
  • 9% of Active Cases are considered serious (requiring hospitalization), down from 11% yesterday and down from 19% just 2 weeks ago, 3% of patients require ICU
  • US has 1,762 Confirmed Cases up from 1,336 cases, (over 7.6% increase); and 41 Deaths up from 38 confirmed deaths yesterday.  (Up over 9%)
  • In the US, only Alabama, Alaska, West Virginia and Maine don't have at least 1 case.

You Have Power Against the Threat of COVID-19

Reliable information and instructions are everywhere and they are empowering. 

If you want a global view, At the bottom center, you can link to and WHO. Easily obtain information and updates from state, county and local sites. serves me well. 

Answers about COVID-19 will evolve and be disseminated as more people are tested, treated, recover and unfortunately, a few will expire.  Don’t be surprised if information from government, public health, religious and community leaders change from time-to-time. 

What Can you do to lessen the impact of COVID-19 in your home and workplace?

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Coronavirus — Did You Know

  • The Coronaviruses are a common, large family of viruses. 
  • Our current crisis comes from an outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a new coronavirus named “SAES-CoV-2.”
  • This virus causes the disease coronavirus 2019, that is abbreviated as COVID-19.
  • There is more than one theory as to the origin of COVID-19.  What you need to know is that person-to-person spread occurred first in Wuhan China and is in now in most nations. 

COVID-19 – Isn’t it Just Another Seasonal Flu??

Photo by form PxHere

Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health.  These stats were published by Blaze TV.

COVID-19 vs Flu

Common Seasonal Flu*
Case Fatality Rate
·        Serious Complication Rate (Pneumonia/Hospitalization)
Requiring ICU Rate (SARS/Septic Shock/Organ Failure)
R0 (R-Naught)/Rate of Infection
Spreads via Droplets
Spreads via Aerosols
Time Virus Survives on Surfaces
4-5 hours
5-9 Days
Incubation Period
2-3 Days
5-14 Days
Spreads During Incubation Period
Spreads Asymptomatically
Natural Herd Immunity
Vaccines/Antiviral Drugs Available
Fecal-Oral Transmission
Reinfection Risk
Projections Based on Current Data
Seasonal Flu
Hospitalizations per 1 Million Infections
ICUs per 1 Million Infections
Fatalities per 1 Million Infections

*WHO is publishing 3.4% fatality rate

Daily Stats as of March 11, 5:30 AM CT (from John's Hopkins)

  • Total Confirmed Cases Worldwide: 126,611 (up from 114,638 yesterday)
  • Total Confirmed Deaths Worldwide: 4,365 (up from 4,031 yesterday)
  • 66,894 Patients Have Recovered from COVID-19 Worldwide
  • 120 Countries Have Confirmed cases (up from 115 yesterday), 6 more have suspected cases
  • 12% of Active Cases are Considered Serious (Requiring Hospitalization), steady from 12% yesterday, with 4% requiring ICU
  • US has 1,10 Confirmed Cases, and 31 Deaths
  • Confirmed Cases in the 35 US States, with 6 More Tracking Suspected cases

Virology 101, Suzanne D. Vernon, PhD

By Angela Linford | March 5, 2020

My first virology class was taught by Howard Tenim, PhD, a virologist and 1975 Nobel laureate for the discovery of reverse transcriptase – the enzyme used by retroviruses to turn RNA into DNA. I got hooked and have been fortunate to spend the past 35 years learning and studying how viruses do and don’t make us sick.

Here are a couple of essential virology basics from Dr. Tenim’s class.

Coronavirus - Who Should Be Screened

What About Masks to Protect Against Coronavirus

In every image we see of people in countries suffering active community transmission, they are wearing masks.  So, I contacted a community colleague, Kevin McCulley, a public health professional, for some direction.  His comments and suggested links are below:

Expect masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to be unavailable, until manufacturing is spooled up. Remember that even if masks become available, many manufacturers are limiting distribution to healthcare partners and first responders only.

Businesses Taking Action

Some businesses are taking measure of the Coronavirus and creating plans to minimize possible impact on business, customers and employees.

Below is a public letter from Eric Smidt, Owner and Founder of Harbor Freight Tools.

“As communities begin to feel the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), I want to share with you the steps we’re taking at Harbor Freight Tools to help protect the health and safety of our customers and associates, which is always our top priority.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

COVID-19 Air Travel Information

The airline industry is under great pressure to meet the essential travel needs of Americans while not contributing to the transmission of the Coronavirus

This is not a promo for United Airlines, but it may be helpful if you are traveling. All airlines, I am certain are following these standards. Reprinted from UAL announcement.

“Our teams are in daily contact with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), federal agencies and other global health organizations to share the most up-to-the-minute information to ensure the actions we're taking are comprehensive and appropriate.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Coronavirus - What We Can Do

Along with our annual flu, we are hearing a great deal about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). It has surfaced in the US and is expected to occur in all states.

What should we do now in our homes, schools and workplaces to stay healthy?

Basic Hygiene is essential and is something we can control.  Be strict about following these suggestions to prevent transmission:

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Your Emergency Kits Revisited

The new preparedness standard is 120-hours.  Initially 72-hour kits were the recommendation.  Then the last few years it became a more realistic 96-hours.  At present, professional responders strongly recommend each person/family needs to be prepared to meet their essential needs for a minimum of 5 days and 5 nights.  We are told not to expect outside help reaching our communities in a major disaster for 120-hours.  They know this from reviewing the aftermath of many national major disasters.

How to revamp 96-hour emergency kits?  Add an additional day of water, food and medications to your Emergency Kits for each member of your household.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Don’t Take Your Water Heater for Granted

Do you know anyone who has had to redo their basements because of flooding caused by a failed water heater?  I know two families in the midst of the painful steps of recovering from this household disaster.  Let’s learn from their experience.

Because most water heaters are often tucked away in the basement, garage or an outside closet, we forget about them as long as we have sufficient hot water at command.

When did you last inspect your water heater?  It should be done annually.  As time pushes against the suggested life of this appliance, inspect more frequently.  If you are beyond the common life span (usually 7 years), pay attention.

Consider having a trusted plumbing professional do that inspection --- not every vulnerability is visible to the untrained eye.  For example, a failing temperature or pressure relief valve (that helps prevent a water heater burst) could fail.