Saturday, May 9, 2020

What is the Utah National Guard Doing at our Long-Term Care Facilities?

  • Governor Herbert and General Burton of the National Guard announced after nearly a week of reduced risk (from Red to Orange) that “Utah is performing well. What we are doing is working, stay strong.”  Here are some highlights starting with National Guard (NG) news.
  • 120 NG are being deployed to expand our state’s capacity to: test at long-term facilities and other COVID-19 hot spots; provide needed support to labs; and, do case tracking.  
  • Our leaders have been and remain under pressure to make decisions that will save lives with the least amount of harm to livelihoods, our overall economy and way of life. With time critical, they have pressed forward “with no playbook to follow. Mistake have been made.”
  • State unemployment rate is 9.5% with 147,000 out of work. With risk level now at Orange, and hopefully soon to be Yellow, leaders want to stem job-loss by getting people back to work while protecting lives. It’s a tricky balance--coming down to: Saving Lives vs Saving Livelihoods. 
  • Utah’s success in combating the spread of COVID-19 by expanded testing and tracking is in part due to unprecedented public-private partnerships.  Current positive rate is 4.2% of those tested, death rate is at .97% (primarily aged population) and our ratio of transmission is 1:1.  (1 infected person is transmitting to 1 other.)  All these stats are far below national averages.  
  • Mobile testing units sent to hot spots are proving very effective.  A mobile unit has been dispatched to our Indian nations in Utah.  
  • It was clarified that churches can begin meeting but must follow social distancing guidelines. Families/households may sit together but must ensure 6’ all around.  Masks should be worn.   Depending on capacity, congregations may need to schedule multiple “seatings”.   
  • Experts continue to learn about this virus so they can provide accurate information and make good decisions. For EX: When a person dies they are tested for COVID-19 anti-bodies so their death certificate can reflect accurate cause of death.  Another EX: U of U will conduct random antibody testing of 10,000 Utahns to provide data on the number who are infected/ recovered.  
  • How will Utah Leads task force determine when to drop from Orange to Yellow risk level and further open-up commerce and gatherings?  Dr. Dunne, state epidemiologist, says many factors go into this decision.  She would want to see a drop in the numbers testing positive.
  • Dr. Dunne reports that 82% of those contracting COVID-19 are getting it from a household member instead of social contacts.  She cites this as evidence social distancing is working to limit the community spread of the virus.  
  • Reminder: Cloth masks covering nose and mouth are not intended to protect the wearer; they help prevent transmission to others.  Wear it when leaving home; then launder.  Your best protection is to vigilantly:  Social distance by at least 6’; wash hands often and thoroughly for at least 20 seconds; sanitize surfaces and touched items; stay home if sick; and, get tested.  NOTE:  Utah has ample testing kits and multiple sites.  Visit

Source: Follow Gov. Herbert on Face Book

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