Thursday, May 10, 2018

Family Preparedness Quiz

How well prepared is your family?  Good going for all the YESes.  Note any NOs and work on them.
  1. Fire is greatest threat.  Has your family rehearsed escape routes from your home? 
  2. Do you have working smoke alarms on each floor and in each bedroom?
  3. For a minor fire, do you have charged or disposable fire extinguishers that all know how to use?
  4. Does each family member carry a contact list, including designated out-of-state contact?
  5. Have you prepared paper/digital copies of vital legal, financial, medical, religious records?
  6. Do you routinely back-up your digital records or have copies off-site or in Cloud?
  7. Do you routinely drive on the top ½ of your gas tank for evacuation purposes?
  8. Is your water heater properly fastened to walls/floor to prevent it from toppling?
  9. We live in earthquake country; has your family practiced drop, cover, hold on?
  10. Do you have green/yellow/red/black ribbons for front door knob to signal household condition?
  11. Have you removed heavy objects over beds that could fall during an earthquake? 
  12. Do you have a functional flashlight in each room -- especially bedrooms?                                       a. Caution:  Don’t rely on candles if there is a possible gas leak.
  13. Do you have sturdy shoes near each bed to protect feet from glass shards?                                     a. Keep shoes, whistle, work gloves and flashlight in a bag, held in place by leg of bed.
  14. If a water line ruptured does your family know how to shut off the main water line at street?
  15. If this valve cannot be turned off by hand, do you have a turn-off tool at-the-ready?
  16. Do you have correctly sized balls near main drain and all toilets, to block sewer back-up? 
  17. Do all family members know where the main gas shut-off valve to your house is located? 
  18. If you smell or hear gas leaking, do all know how to shut off gas valve?
  19. Have you placed a shut-off tool near your gas valve, in a weather-protected bag?
  20. Do you know how to safely restart your furnace when gas is safely available?
  21. Do you have duplicate keys and copies of essential papers stored outside of your home?
  22. Do all family members know how to raise/lower your garage door manually?
  23. Do you have a functional non-electric radio to receive emergency information? 
  24. If your family is separated at the time of disaster, do you have a reunification plan?
  25. Does your family have two-way radios that each person can operate?
  26. If an emergency lasted 4-7 days and you were in lock-down at home would you be ok? a. How about for 2 weeks?                   b. For 4 weeks?
  27. Can your family survive for an extended time w/o power, toilets, running water, fuel, etc?
  28. Do you have emergency cash, in small bills, (and some coin) on hand?
  29. Do you have extra supplies of items that you could barter in hard times?
  30. Can you keep your family warm if there is no power, natural gas?
  31. Does your family have 96-hours of essential supplies* in wheeled evacuations carts -- ready to roll?a. Minimum of 1 gallon water per person/day-for drinking, sanitation, hygiene? (8.3 lbs/gallon)b. Effective toileting strategy and supplies in case the sewer system has failed?c. Sufficient food and ways to hydrate/warm/cook it (if needed) without electricity? d. Bedding?e. First Aid supplies and a month’s supply of vital medications for each person? f. Weather-appropriate clothing?g. Hygiene supplies that work with no running water? h. Heavy gloves, tools/items i.e. flashlights, water filter, batteries, etc. i. Age-specific supplies for your children? j. Pet carrier/leash, food/water/ bowls, pick-up bags, med records/meds, picture of you w/pet?
  32. Do you know location of nearest elementary school: at home, work place, frequent destinations?
  33. Do you have some amount of the supplies listed at No. 31 above in each auto?
  34. Is each family auto equipped with jumper cables, auto fluids, flares, emer shovel & tools?
  35. Do you know your immediate neighbors and have you exchanged cell phone #s and emails?
  36. Once you have helped yourself and family, are you prepared to help your neighbors?                           

Hang on your refrigerator and work on Checklist as a family

For More information visit:  Be Redy Utah and BeReadySLC S-A-F-E-Neighborhood

*Visit: for helpful ideas on how to assemble 96 hour walking evacuation kits.

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